Alison Spera
Geospatial Research Associate
p. +64 3 369 0385
a. Beatrice Tinsley, 430 University of Canterbury
BSc University of Auckland
MSc University of Canterbury
I support exciting projects in lidar aerial acquisition, point cloud processing and bathymetric modelling in riverscapes.
My academic background is in the environmental sciences, with research interests in alpine processes and geospatial sciences. I absolutely love the outdoors, spending most of my free time tramping, rock climbing and walking up mountains!
Recent PublicationsSpera, A., Halls, Z., Stevens, D., Meenken, E. D., King, W. M., Pletnyakov, P., Adams, S., & Tickner, S. (2024). Combining positional data with climatic and landscape data to understand the interaction of cattle with their environment. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands, 86, 281–289.
External Links
My Masters project involved using numerical models to better understand glacier mass balance processes, particularly looking at the role of avalanche nourishment on small cirque glaciers such as the Rolleston Glacier in Arthur’s Pass. I also have a BSc in Geography and Environmental Science from the University of Auckland where I studied fluvial and coastal geomorphology, biology and terrestrial conservation and the interactions between society and the natural environment.
I’m keen to learn more about geomorphic change detection (GCD) in riverscapes, using our comprehensive lidar surveys to better understand fluvial environments!