The Waterways Centre is also made up of Lincoln University and University of Canterbury academic staff.
Waterways members are academic staff at both Canterbury and Lincoln Universities with teaching and research interests in aspects of water science and management. Water research students supervised by these academic staff are also included in the Waterways Centre's activities during their time at university.
University of Canterbury
Dr. Frances Charters
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Prof. Thomas Cochrane
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Prof. Tim Davies
School of Earth and Environment
Dr. David Dempsey
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Dr. Tonny deVries
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Prof. Sally Gaw
Environmental Science
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Golovko
Physical and Chemical Sciences
Prof. Peter Gostomski
Chemical and Process Engineering
Prof. Deirdre Hart
School of Earth and Environment
Prof. Travis Horton
School of Earth and Environment
Dr. Matthew Hughes
Civil and Natural Resource Engineering
Dr. Simone Larcher
Civil and Natural Resource Engineering
Prof. Pedro Lee
Civil and Natural Resource Engineering
Assoc. Prof. Elizabeth Macpherson
School of Law
Prof. Angus McIntosh
Biological Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Ricardo Bello Mendoza
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Prof. Mark Milke
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Prof. Aisling O'Sullivan
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Dr. Markus Pahlow
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Dr. John Pirker
Biological Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Catherine Reid
School of Earth and Environment
Prof. Brett Robinson
Environmental Science
Prof. David Schiel
Biological Sciences
Matt Walters
Biological Sciences
Dr. Helen Warburton
Biological Sciences
Prof. Matthew Wilson
Geospatial Research Institute
Prof. Thomas Wilson
School of Earth and Environment
Prof. Peyman Zawar-Reza
School of Earth and Environment
Lincoln University
Assoc. Prof Peter Almond
Assoc. Prof Gillian Lawson
Department of Soil & Physical Sciences
Prof. Tim Clough
Department of Soil & Physical Sciences
Prof. Hong Di
Department of Soil & Physical Sciences; & Centre for Soil & Environmental Quality
Prof. Nick Dickinson
Department of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dr. Crile Doscher
Dr. Wendy McWilliam
School of Landscape Architecture
School of Landscape Architecture
Assoc. Prof. Niklas Lehto
Department of Soil & Physical Sciences
Prof. Hirini Matunga
Department of Environmental Management
Dr. Sylvia Nissen
School of Landscape Architecture
Department of Environmental Management
Dr. Shannon Page
Department of Environmental Management
Assoc. Prof. Hamish Rennie
Department of Environmental Management
Dr Chris Rosin
Department of Tourism, Sport and Society
Assoc. Prof. Emma Stewart
Department of Tourism, Sport and Society
Dr. Sarah McSweeney
School of Earth and Environment
Dr. Matiu Prebble
School of Earth and Environment