PhD Research
Photo by Angus McIntosh Ecologylive.nz
Do you have a burning desire to advance our understanding of hydrological processes, explore new approaches freshwater restoration or learn how societies can transform our relationship with water?
A doctoral degree provides you a unique opportunity to dive deep into a novel area of research and probe your intellectual curiosity!
We have a thriving team of doctoral research students at the Waterways Centre and are keen to hear from you if you have a strong academic background in a cognate subject. We often have grant-funded opportunities for PhD students and are keen to work with you to explore opportunities for scholarships.
PhD topics
The Waterways Centre offers a PhD degree from either the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University. Current themes our staff are keen to supervise on include the following and you are encouraged to contact staff directly to explore opportunities.
Development of low-cost, practicable and effective techniques in freshwater restoration (Issie Barrett)
Investigation of mechanisms governing ecological community recovery in freshwater systems (Issie Barrett)
Multimodal remote sensing of river environments (James Brasington, funded PhD scholarship available)
Morphodynamic modelling of high energy rivers (James Brasington)
Water politics and governance (Ed Challies)
Social-ecological systems analyses of land and water management (Ed Challies)
Political ecology of natural resource governance (Ed Challies)
Impacts of climate change on catchment dynamics (Shelley MacDonell)
Changing role of the cryosphere in catchment systems (Shelley MacDonell)
Hydrological connectivity in mountain and polar regions (Shelley MacDonell)
A geography of Aotearoa New Zealand freshwater aquaculture (Hamish Rennie)
Sustainable management of eel fisheries in Aotearoa New Zealand (Hamish Rennie)
University of Canterbury
Lincoln University
(PhD WaterRM) (360 points, 3 years F/T) - this three year programme of study includes a research thesis focused on freshwater science and management. Entry to the PhD is contingent on having agreed supervision and a research topic. Check both Universities PhD web pages for more information on that process.
Any student wanting to study with us is encouraged to get in touch for more information (waterways@canterbury.ac.nz).