Ella Ferrugia

Geospatial Research Assistant

e. ella.ferrugia@canterbury.ac.nz
+64 3 369 0385
a. Beatrice Tinsley, 430 University of Canterbury

  • BSc University of Canterbury

    MSc University of Canterbury (submitted)

    My work involves supporting lidar acquisition and data processing in New Zealand river catchments. My academic background is in environmental science, with a focus on alpine hydrological processes and how cold regions may be impacted by climate change.

    Recent Publications

    Farrugia, E., MacDonell, S., Katurji, M. 2024. A storyline approach to assess the impacts of climate change on the hydrological processes of the Broken River catchment. NZ Hydrological Society Conference, Blenheim.

  • My Masters thesis focused on modelling cold region hydrological processes in a New Zealand alpine environment and assessing how these processes vary across space and time.

    My research largely focused on building a site specific hydrological model that was capable of accurately simulating snowpack accumulation and ablation as well as streamflow. More broadly, I am interested in understanding the impacts of climate change on alpine environments and how these changes could impact water resources management.

    I enjoy exploring different computational and modelling methods that can be used to better understand the hydrological system.