How quickly does snow reach the stream? 15 Sept Written By Shelley MacDonell In the Canterbury headwaters, the main contributors to streamflow are precipitation, seasonal snow, and ice bodies (such as glaciers and rock glaciers). But, how much comes from each? Masters of Water Resource Management student Zane Shadbolt and Dr. Shelley MacDonell are analysing snow, precipitation and water samples in a pilot study to find out. This work is financed by the Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust. Shelley MacDonell
How quickly does snow reach the stream? 15 Sept Written By Shelley MacDonell In the Canterbury headwaters, the main contributors to streamflow are precipitation, seasonal snow, and ice bodies (such as glaciers and rock glaciers). But, how much comes from each? Masters of Water Resource Management student Zane Shadbolt and Dr. Shelley MacDonell are analysing snow, precipitation and water samples in a pilot study to find out. This work is financed by the Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust. Shelley MacDonell