Waterways welcomes Dr Marc Tadaki

Photo by Cohen Stewart

The Waterways whānau are pleased to welcome Dr Marc Tadaki, who joined Lincoln University as a senior lecturer in January 2025.  

 Marc is a geographer with broad experience undertaking blue skies and applied research on freshwater management. Following his PhD in Geography at the University of British Columbia (2013-18), which analysed New Zealand freshwater policy, Marc joined the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, where he spent six years focused on freshwater social science research.

 Marc’s research spans the gamut from water governance and freshwater science through to community values and relationships. Marc’s research has looked at catchment groups, collaboration in freshwater planning, social values toward introduced species, freshwater monitoring, Indigenous knowledge, metaphors in science, and peoples’ connections with freshwater fish.

 Right from the start of his new job at Lincoln, Marc was keen to join the Waterways team to support freshwater research, teaching, and impact. Marc was previously an Adjunct Fellow in Waterways (2021-24), and already collaborates with Waterways staff Ed Challies and James Brasington in Fish Futures. Marc will be co-teaching WATR 411 Water Governance with Ramzi Tubbeh in Semester 2, 2025, and is keen to supervise postgraduate students and develop Waterways collaborations.

 Outside of research, Marc is a film buff who likes cats, graphic novels, unions, and Hawaiian food. Marc wrote this piece about some favourite metaphors in film for the British Ecological Society.

 We are stoked to have Marc join us – welcome!


A new co-director for Waterways